Thursday, December 23, 2010

2010 - A Year In Review

Well, the fact that this is the first blog post in two months should tell you how crazy things get around here at this time of year. Now that the dust has settled, holiday cards have been mailed, and everyone's gift portraits are wrapped and under the tree, we can finally settle down with some milk and cookies and take stock of 2010. It was a fantastic year of photography. We met lots of new clients, and welcomed back many familiar faces as well. (It's always a shock to see how much kids grow and change between portrait sessions!) We installed a state-of-the-art lighting system in the studio to get the most out of every minute of photography. (It's working!) We finally joined in the Facebook revolution (and learned how gratifying those little thumbs-ups can be).

And the photographs. Of course, the photographs! I wish we could show you everything - but of course, that would take a full twelve months to watch. So here's a three minute glimpse into 2010 at Phil Cantor Photography.
(See anyone you recognize?)

Thank you to all of our amazing clients for making 2010 a year to remember!